Sunday, January 10, 2010

We're off!

So is everyone ready to start reading?  Find the COTC reading schedule on the church's website: Your reading adventure starts tomorrow, but you can give yourself a headstart by picking up your Bible and starting today!  As I mentioned in the last post, we're giving ourselves permission to choose our own Bible.  I think we're fine to do that.

Another way that COTC is modifying the published curriculum is that we're going a bit  more S L O W-L Y!  I made up a reading schedule for the whole Bible that has us read 6 days on, with a 7th day rest.  So if you're trying to compare us to the schedule in the "official" Bible in 90 Days website, you'll notice that we're going to get "out of phase" very quickly.
We talked this morning in the Sunday AM group about some tips for completing the program successfully:
1) How do I make time for this? We're all busy people.  And the truth is that in order to do this, we'll have to re-order some of our priorities.  What are we going to give up?  All of us have different needs, but I can suggest a few things NOT to give up:  SLEEP or BEING WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY.  Both of these are necessary for healthy minds and bodies.
2) What am I going to do if I get behind?  To get caught up, you can either read a few extra pages a day, or set aside a block of time on one day to catch up.  Do not skip pages!  If you do, it will be hard to say that you read the WHOLE BIBLE when you've finished.  Don't quit!  We can do this together.

COTC groups are meeting: Sunday am at 9:45-10:45, Tuesday am 10-11, Thursday pm 7:30-8:30--all of these in the COTC Library Lounge.  We even had a college student in Massachusetts 'Skype' in on Sunday morning!  If you're not meeting with a group, face to face, it might be harder for you to keep up.  But you could consider this blog group your on-line group.  Post a question, or comment, and let's be our own BIND blogging group.  That's  "BIND--Bible In Ninety Days"

1 comment:

Hank Selzer said...

A tip from my youth pastor at home: devote at least one hour to this. I'm going to do it right now!