Monday, June 1, 2009

no longer web-invisible

So, now Church of the Covenant is on the web. [see my first post here] I guess the technology gurus have won out. This morning our road sign will announce it to the drivers on Military Road in Arlington. Does that mean we have arrived? Not likely. We still face the challenge of how to love our neighbors, most of whom we never see. During the week, when I'm hanging around Arlington, very few people are in their homes. On the weekend--Saturdays and Sundays--I see loads of people outdoors: cyclers, walkers, dog- and otherwise, runners, strollers (with and without children). Every week, I pray for our neighbors, those who know God and those who don't, and I pray for me and the church, for how to love them. What I'm hoping that the new website will do is not call attention to ourselves, but let the neighborhood know that we care. We care about its individuals and its community. I'm fairly sure that this is at least one reason God put Church of the Covenant right here.
Most of the members and friends who worship here on Sunday live within just a few miles of the church building. That's amazingly LOCAL, and it's not just an accident. Our mission is right here, with the folks in this neighborhood. We know there is pain here--families in trauma, broken relationships--and we know that God wants a better life for us. God loves us with a love stronger than we can imagine. Jesus promised it, and learning to rely on that promise is an act of faith. Sharing that faith, with love, hope, and conviction, can make a difference in our neighbors' lives, I'm convinced of that.
There's a button on the website called "I believe..." Eventually we hope to collect the faith stories of lots of us to post here. My next sermon series will be on "telling our faith stories" so that we can practice telling each other how God has become real in our own lives, how love has conquered us. Sharing that faith with neighbors is not far behind.

The Alban Institute - 2009-06-01 God Talk

The Alban Institute - 2009-06-01 God Talk

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