Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Yellow day

Wednesday, March 27. All of a sudden I'm noticing the color yellow!  Yellow daffodils and jonquils, forsythia. Even some of the yellow signs are more apparent. Before the pinks explode and take over, I thought I'd spend some time noticing the color yellow.
My route today took me back south along Military Road where I stopped to read the sign in front of the small library branch there. This is how the road got its name.
I suppose I knew this before, but I hadn't realized that there used to be cherry orchards in this area.
Continuing along the road south, I noticed that I could see a yellow church, the place where some brothers and sisters worship on Sunday. I know that the location was once the home of Cherrydale Baptist Church, that long since moved down the street. Their old church building is now occupied by Fe Y Alabanza, the church that uses our building for Christian education on Saturday night.
I walked around their building, cheered by the bright yellow color and neat appearance. No one seemed to be inside, but I couldn't really tell. The church seems to own a van, parked safely inside a picket fence. Didn't know that before!
The church sign on the building declares the name in English first, in large letters, and then in Spanish.
I prayed as I circled the building, that this congregation is anticipating the great day of Easter, when we will celebrate the son/sun rise.

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