I got a late start today. Passing down the steps to Memorial Garden, to admire the snow drops blooming (thanks, Lola!) I took the route North on the big street in front of the church. It's a busy street, moderate traffic for a residential neighborhood, cars, cyclers, joggers, and hikers like me. Hardly anyone obeys the speed limit (including me, when I drive away from the church). So I prayed for everyone who passed me--that they arrive at their destination safely, and that they would have a blessed day while enjoying this outdoor sunshine.

1) The hills are really apparent to a walker along this route. I huffed and puffed my way up and down, up and down, crossing three drainage 'runs' that intersect the street. Up one hill, down to the next stream. Repeat. I noticed one stream goes under the street into a culvert that disappears under the hill on the other side. It's exit is not visible. But water has to go somewhere. I'm hoping that the houses in its path have waterproofed basements.

3) The little signs labeling native plants at the Gulf Branch trail entrance are in need of some attention.
4) Donaldson Run Civic Association posts its newsletter in a nice boxed sign at the park.
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