On my route today, I decided to start southward, and then veered off into a route down Nelly Custis Rd and back around some steep inclines, passed a few churches. Steep inclines are unavoidable in this area.
I prayed for the people in each house and church I passed, not knowing exactly what to pray for, but finding clues in what I noticed. This house's occupant loves dogs, and I smiled at the bumper sticker in the driveway.
More than obvious ties to rescued in Christ! Praying prayers of thanksgiving that this house will keep on rescuing.
Some prayers are prayers of thanksgiving, but others are prayers of intercession. There is a house on Nelly Custis that has been the site of some tragedy. Fire marks above a boarded up front window and a "DO NOT ENTER--DANGEROUS FOR HABITATION" sign on the front door make that obvious. Can't tell what happened here, but likely a situation in need of prayer.
There are ample places to pray in this neighborhood--three churches within a short walking distance from ours: Cherrydale Methodist, St. Andrews Episcopal and Cherrydale Baptist--all unique congregations, but very similar buildings when walking past.
People who can, can walk to any of these four churches, as long as we make it easy for them. I muse about the barriers that keep it from being easy. Walking the path of Jesus is both easy and hard. Just wondering...
Are we telling the Good News in compelling enough ways?
Does it matter whether people know we are praying for them and with them or not?
Hoping for better weather tomorrow.
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