Monday, March 18. Over the weekend, I felt sickly and tired, so I begged off my walking. Today I was surprised to see someone actually took me up on the invitation to walk! Good thing I was feeling better.We headed north along the main road and mused together about the environment we see. What's that building for in the stream bed? A pumping station? My walking companion, Patrice, has such a wide variety of experience in working with nature. I got to hear about the intricate and wonderful experience in tagging monarch butterflies. Butterfly habitat, particularly places where milkweeds grow, is disappearing rapidly and so making for the disappearance of the monarchs. Patrice told me about their amazing, generations long, migratory habits in moving about North America and finally laying their eggs in a small number of Mexican forests before the next generations of monarchs continue their cycle of migration. How do you tag a monarch? Very carefully!

We encountered another mystery--an abandoned home next to the nature center property that looks like it's being readied for another purpose--a recycled building. Perhaps an extension to the nature center? The sign seems to say so. Got us thinking...what will this neighborhood look like in 50 years? How will be able to sustain the kind of life style that this wealth seems to promote? Will single-family homes of this nature survive in a world of drastic climate change? How should a church prepare people to live into this future?
Thanks, Patrice, for the companionship along The Way.
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