Thursday, August 24, 2017


Little Church with Big Mission suffered the loss of one of its iconic marks last week. The large tree that graced its front door collapsed. The weight of its canopy couldn't be sustained by the hollowed out trunk whose inside rot became apparent when it was exposed. As a result, the front door has a lot more sun, and we can see more clearly inside and out. No one was hurt and no property damage occurred, except for some of the azalea shrubbery and another plantings in the area. The large machinery necessary to cut up and haul away the huge branches couldn't help but trample the ground. Some parishioners are mourning the fact that we couldn't harvest the wood for other uses. We Presbyterians are a frugal bunch and don't like to see anything go to waste. It's our Scot heritage.
Now we have to face our loss and look to what opportunities are in front of us. The large empty trunk is now a focal point of the circular drive garden. It's beautiful in its own way. What is God inviting us to see here now? A huge jagged edge flower pot? A pedestal? What possibilities abound for re-planting in the spot? The space is now wide open, just like the future of the church.
Losses are often catalysts for re-imagination. I don't have any doubt that the Little Church gardeners will replant with gusto. They all care deeply about the environment, the beauty of the church settings and they are all amazingly good gardeners, in service to a Master Gardener--the heavenly one.
The message of the Cross is simple: what looks like a tragedy is not the end of the story. The resurrection of Jesus is God's message to the world that life triumphs over death.  It's our hope and life. Let's get busy replanting!
the tree prays

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