Friday, January 29, 2016

Yea, It's about what's NEXT

Yes, I'll be going to the NEXT Church Conference again this year (in Atlanta this time).  Every year since this group of forward-thinking Presbyterians began to meet I've at least poked my head in. I'm way over the median age limit for the group. But this is the future of the church so I'm happy to show up and cheer them on.  Besides, it's fun to attend such an event without me having to plan it.  I can just show up and be inspired.

Most of the times that I've gone, I've found a new contact, been introduced to a new way of doing church, or have just been inspired to think about the future of the church in a new way. My "little church with a big mission" wants to know how to be the face and hands of Jesus in new ways, but also how to do this faithfully with the crowd that keeps showing up on Sunday morning.

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