Wednesday, July 29, 2015

What About Worship?

Our little church with a big mission is trying to sort out some things about this peculiar thing we do on Sunday mornings. What is happening on Sunday in this big room we call a sanctuary and why should anyone care?  It's such an odd thing, worship.  It's completely different from anything else we do in our normal routines. It's a time we turn our attention to something or someone that can't be perceived in ordinary terms. We hope that whatever we do, we'll be touched and moved and, if we're fortunate, transformed into something beyond ourselves, by someone beyond ourselves.
But getting people to think about and describe something so intangible is difficult, particularly if we don't have the language for spiritual encounter. (See my prior posts)  So how to help people sort out the particulars of what makes for good, or excellent, or rotten worship?  What makes for an encounter with God (whatever that is) in a particular time and space? How do we even talk about that?  We frozen chosen are not necessarily comfortable with describing our spiritual lives, much less improving them. Still...this is something worth doing.

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