Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Nasty prepositions

Faith of...or faith in...Jesus?  Galatians 2:11-21 My bible translation has little footnotes for the passages that describe the source of Christian hope:  Is the proper translation "faith IN Christ" or the "faith OF Christ"?  That is, whose faith is it--ours or Jesus'--that saves us?  The Greek is ambiguous and scholars argue both ways.  So what's a mere pew-sitter to do?  It's probably not the first time that prepositions have gotten someone in trouble.  I tend to think that it's Jesus' faith or rather faithfulness to death on the cross in my place that did the trick.  In that sense, faith really doesn't belong to me in the first place, but is a gift from God.
But doesn't Christ's gift of faith to me demand a faithful response?  I'm thinkin' yes.  Maybe demand is too strong; maybe "invite" is more like it, offering me the possibility that I might refuse the invitation, at my own expense.
This Jesus is a complicated guy.

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