Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Why Are We Here?

In the past several days, I've been meeting with the folks at this small church in the north part of Arlington, Virginia. They are a very brave, committed, and gifted congregation. Still, they are voicing hopes and dreams for the future of the church. Why are we here? What is God calling us to do and be in this situation? to start thinking about this together, my sermon topics for the next few weeks will look at the call stories in the Bible. In every age, God has called particular men and women to do specific things and be specific people to the end that God's purposes for human life will be fulfilled. These people met God in particular ways, and God called them to respond in particular ways. God still calls women and men to be and do certain things in the circumstances of our lives. What is God calling us--Church of the Covenant--to do now?
In order to understand our own life together, I've proposed we start by sharing our own faith stories. Why are we here? My questions to everyone are:
1) What brought you to Church of the Covenant?

2) What blessings are you seeking?

3) What blessings have you received?

4) What blessings are you sharing with others?

Are we bold enough to speak about these things with each other?
God knows...comment below!
Blessings, Pastor Beth

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