Monday, February 11, 2019

...from far away

Occasionally a former parishioner drops a note to keep us updated on their spiritual adventures. A lovely note came this week from someone now over 2,000 miles away who was moved to pray for us who are around the seats of power near our nation's capital.

"In the midst of home as we now know it, one week ago today, we were led to rise an hour earlier than normal for the sole purpose of praying for our nation.  We know you feel the unsettling nature of the transpiration of events on the national level much more intently, being in the thick of the battle out there. Somehow through this new practice, our hearts and souls have become reconnected to our National Capital; the place we both called home for more than 30 years. On this critical day, February 8, still on the cusp of a possible second shutdown, we find ourselves – mostly – thinking of you all.  Many faces crop to mind, both those still amongst us and those who have gone on to the other side awaiting us with joyful hearts."

If you are moved to pray about the State of the Union, you are in good company. Even as Jesus was moved to weep over Jerusalem, those who see injustices up close, even in the halls of power, can pray for hearts to be moved with wisdom. Keep praying...and ...

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