Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Your past makes a difference in how you face the future

In the past few weeks our little congregation has been seeing congregants who reap the fruits of decisions they have been making, little-by-little, over the course of their long lives, whether for good or ill. Some have put off making financial plans for the future. Some have neglected caring for the relationships of their families and friends. Some have difficulty facing the fact that we all will die.
It really does make a difference, those ways we choose to live, that benefit the future. Lives and communities are built up or torn down, small action by small action. Kindnesses done, or hurts nursed? What decisions are we putting off because we don't want to think about them? What choices are we making because we think that we can avoid death? Facing our future lives requires courage. And God is the one who alone holds the future.
When we acknowledge our limits and face the future with courage, grace can and does abound. Peace be with you.

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