It always takes me some time to get adjusted to time zones. Yesterday Rol and I left Herndon for two flights east, first London/Heathrow, then Athens, where we will embark on the first part of my sabbatical trip: a cruise from Athens to Venice aboard the Viking Sky. As of now I've been up for over 24 hours, and so am a bit woozy. At least The weather meeting us was beautiful--sunny and warm.
The ship is luxurious. Works of art grace the walls. The furnishings are all restrained Scandinavian elegant. I love the beauty of the surroundings and want to enjoy the time here, but I have some pause over it. I feel a bit guilty that we have such abundance to enjoy when so many in the world don't have the basics to live, much less enjoy life. How to reconcile our wealth and the world's poverty has always been a test for me, a spiritual test. The Jan 18 edition of Christian Century had an article about a refugee camp and one woman's experience there, just north of Athens. Malakasa. I didn't see the camp from the air, but had a magnificent view of Mount Olympus. Somehow we wealthy Christians are going to have to figure out a way that our enjoyment of the privileges doesn't strip others of theirs.
I guess I need to sleep on it.
What a trip!
Looks beautiful and exciting!
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