Saturday, February 17, 2018

TL;DR from Babylon Bee

Not able to keep up with the reading schedule for "Read the Bible in a Year?"

Best summary of the 66 books of the bible yet posted on Babylon Bee.
Yea, you can read this.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Did you make the one month marker?

LCWABM is attempting to read the bible in one year. That is, some of us in the church are. I am working to make my own daily bible reading schedule transparent and disciplined. I have to admit that it's hard. I just made the schedule in January--through the first part of the Missionary Discourse in Matthew, chapter 10, completed the Acts story of the council in Jerusalem, chapter 15, all the Psalms up to the 23rd, and finished the whole book of Genesis, the stories of the patriarchs and matriarchs. It seems both familiar and new. I'm reading with eyes out for the relationships between all these texts, as well as ways to make them more familiar to the people I'm leading. Knowing and living these texts as our foundational stories has so much to do with the quality of our spiritual lives together. I'm grateful to the saints at 2666 Military Road for being intentional about this discipline. We can't appropriate the texts with understanding unless we are reading them in a community.
On to February!